The goal of LA Art Documents is to preserve and promote the contemporary art scene in LA and beyond, and we want to respond to the current situation’s impact on the way we all operate and experience art with a new series of artist profiles we’re aptly calling BREAK OUT! – which will launch in May, 2020.
We’re looking to find out how various artists are responding to the Covid-19 pandemic’s affect on our daily lives and our artistic practice. We invite artists to reach out and share with us in photographs and video some of your latest works of art so that we in turn can share some of the results with our followers and keep community engaged in the latest creative activities.
Has your practice changed in any way during this time by altering your materials, your subject, your focus, your output – or is it too early to tell? Share a statement about how your work or process is responding to this new era – perhaps it is moving in new directions or deepening some long held practices.
The ramifications of what is happening now upon the future are yet to be fully realized, but the impulse of creation remains vital to keep moving and we may learn something from sharing with each other in this manner. Email us your photographs, videos, and statements to
Stay connected.